I had been waiting for the photo workshop with Anita Andrzejewska long time and it finally came!
Unforgettable time, two days at photography studio and darkroom with the Artist, whom works I really appreciate.
Jolanta Suszko-Adamczewska
“Anyway, I do not know how you do it” – Karol told us while the photoshoot. Everyone can feel like a movie star or a model during the photoshoot with us. The couple, make-up/hair stylist cooperate with us for the lovely results. We do our best because we love what we do and we love people, as well. This time we’d like to present Agnieszka & Karol’s extraordinary photoshoot.
As the professional wedding photographers we regularly witness powerful of love and emotion as part of our job. We can say that Ania & Dion’s wedding ceremony was one of the most beautiful and extremely emotional we have ever been. Gorgeous people, wonderful place, touching speaches and songs and a few moments that moved everyones to tears. One of them was the Rings Warming which is a special way to involve all of the guests in the ceremony. Those moments when the guests were holding the A&D’s wedding rings in their hands and warming them with love, blessing or prayer for the couple were so touching!
There’s something so captivating about two people who love each other so deeply that their own joy and emotions make you feel warm inside… Thanks Ania & Dion for choosing us as the photographers of yours stunning ceremony!!
Before watching the photos we’d like to share with you the letter which we recieved from Dion (after they’ve seen a few first pics): “We really love the pictures we have seen so far! We are so happy to have chosen the two of you to capture our day, what we have seen is even more amazing that what I had hoped for!! The photos capture the energy of our moments so strongly that when I look at them I actually feel back on the moment we took them; I can hear it, I can feel it!!! We loved doing the shoot with you too, it was relaxed, creative and full of warmth. You and Maciej are truly two amazing human beings with a wonderful energy around you. I do hope our paths will cross again in the future.”
That is why we still love so much what we do:) Enjoy photos!
It was an extremely inspiring time! The second edition of the wedding photography workshops in London we ran on June 2-3, 2018. The results of it are many not only successful but also interesting, unconventional shots.
We are proud and excited to share the results of the ISPWP Winter 2018 Photo Contest. Our two photos were awarded!
Maciej’s shot win the 6th Place in the category “Kids Will Be Kids”. Jolanta’s shot win the 10th Place in the category “Ceremony”.
Both pictures have been taken in the Cathedral Basilica in Sandomierz (Poland).
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